Last Thursday, we hosted what has now become an annual Princeps Executive Club Christmas Party. This exclusive, invite-only event is slowly becoming an exciting tradition. The evening's highlight was undoubtedly the whisky tasting session paired with the Princeps Executive Club quiz. The Princeps team enjoyed themselves as we tested our guests' knowledge on a diverse range of topics, from the intricacies of British politics to the legends of Bratislava. The experience was not only engaging for our taste buds but also for our intellects.
As is the case with all Princeps Executive Club events, reuniting with our network of friends and colleagues was a great experience. The event provided a perfect opportunity to reflect on the year's achievements and look forward to our future endeavors. This year has been particularly monumental for Princeps. It marked the beginning of our ambitious growth plans, and we've taken significant strides in launching them.

One of our key milestones this year was the expansion of our team. We were thrilled to welcome Daniel Cséfalvay, who has been exceptional in his role as Chief Analyst. His insights and expertise have been invaluable in steering our strategies. We also had the privilege of welcoming two new board members, Kristen Andrasko and Margareta Krizova. Their wealth of experience and profound insights are already proving to be instrumental in our company's growth and development.
Another proud achievement was the launch of the Princeps Risk Intelligence Institute, with Michael Vintr at the helm as its Director. Following the success of the Institute's first event with experts on disinformation and Slovak politics, Dominika Hajdu and Marian Balazs, we have already planned an exciting event at the start of the new year. Check your inboxes for invites!
This has been an important year for the Princeps family, and we are excited to build on our work next year. We would like to thank you for your support, and hope you continue on our journey with us next year. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and many successes in the year ahead! Warm regards from the entire Princeps family.
